Research and Development Cell has been actively involved in research and extension activities. Research must be an integral part of Higher Education Institutions. It enhances the knowledge of teachers and students by satisfying their enthusiasm. Today unprecedented changes have been taking place in the business world which led to the emergence of new areas for research. To face these changes and challenges there is a dire need to reorient teachers in research techniques and methodology to shape the sensibility of Teachers towards identifying problems and researching for solutions. The Research and Development Cell mainly focuses on promoting and encouraging Research Culture in the Institution amongst teachers and students.
- B, J. CHAUDHARI – Chairperson
- B. H. CHAUDHARI – Member
- HIRAL PATEL – Member
- To provide a Creative atmosphere in which higher studies and research thrive amongst the Faculty and Students.
- To encourage and guide faculty to undertake Minor / Major Research work of UGC. Undergraduate students will be encouraged to undertake research work for whom the funding is available through UGC.
- To promote research in various departments of the Institution.
- To ensure smooth functioning and effective management of Research and Development Cell in the Institution.
- To create zeal among Students and Faculty members towards Research and Innovation.
The frontiers of education are changing every day and we are moving from the knowledge based society to a society of innovation. Thus, research becomes one of the most important components of higher education. Today, one of the indices for the measurement of the potential of any educational institution is its research activity. It is essential to unveil the unknown and unexplored areas of knowledge in all fields of academic inquiry.
To develop a research culture among the students, Research and Development cell organized Research paper and PPT Presentation Competition for undergraduate and post graduate students during the year. To provide opportunities for academically sound youth by developing knowledge skill and attitude of research, students were given following topics from the category given below:
- Category 1- Commerce
- Category 2- English and Economics
- Category 3- Sociology and History
- Category 4- Gujarati
To develop personality and communication skills among the students and to encourage students to participate in research activities research project was presented in English and Gujarati language. The research topic focused on problems faced by people residing in the area of Kheralu Taluka. Students presented one problem and gave innovative positive solution to the problem selected. Students presented their research project in a group with maximum 5 students or individually.
Students participated in large number from B.Com, B.A and M. A. Courses. To promote the interaction among the students for the exchange of various aspects of research, Research and Development Cell organizes such activities every year.